Contract Services and Training

The expertise of Reachout’s professional staff is routinely requested to provide consultation to private and public programs to assist educational staff in the assessment and educational planning for students with complex needs.

Reachout’s therapists and special educators are available to contract with public school systems to help children meet their IEP goals.

Numerous childcare providers whose child(ren) have received Birth to Three services from Reachout, Inc. request our assistance with developing plans to ensure an emotionally balanced, sensory regulated, and language rich environment for the children in their care.

Experienced and knowledgeable staff have also been engaged to provide in-service trainings to personnel in educational settings and other Birth to Three programs on topics which include: language development, management of difficult behaviors, sensory integration processing and sensory diets, feeding, and hand writing difficulties and remediation.

Reachout’s Birth to Three program is a training venue for Pediatric Residents from Yale Medical School. Residents join Birth to Three interventionists on home visits. They also learn about developmental testing and available resources for children during assessments conducted at the medical clinic.

  • Independent Educational Evaluations

    • for special educational planning
    • available to school districts or parents
    • formal evaluation of specific or comprehensive educational needs
    • performed by professionals outside of the school system
    • attendance at Planning and Placement Team meetings upon request
  • Programs

  • Contact Us

    2558 Whitney Avenue, Building 2
    Hamden CT 06518
    Phone: (203) 230-2815‎
    Fax: (203) 230-8502